A hot yoga class designed with a more vigorous pace that incorporates traditional vinyasa philosophy linking movement with breath, and creative, powerful sequencing. Uniquely guided by our instructors, Buddha Power Vinyasa students can expect a range of powerful sequencing that utilizes breath, balance, strength, core, inversions, arm balances, deep opening and savasana.

A total body workout focusing on building strength and conditioning by emphasizing proper form and technique from basic movements of weight training. For 30 minutes, you will move through squats, hinges, push-pull, explosive-dynamic exercises and circuits, and finish with 30 minutes of a mindful yoga flow. Strength training increases your metabolism and bone density as well as builds lean muscle mass which fuels fat loss. This class challenges you to take your fitness to the next level.

A total body workout focusing on building strength and conditioning by emphasizing proper form and technique from basic movements of weight training. For 60 minutes, you will move through squats, hinges, push-pull, explosive-dynamic exercises and circuits, and finish with a cool down and well deserved stretch! Strength training increases your metabolism and bone density as well as builds lean muscle mass which fuels fat loss. This class challenges you to take your fitness to the next level.

A total body 60 minute workout combining boxing and kickboxing techniques along with jump roping and fast paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility, and burn calories as you build lean muscle with this intense and challenging workout.

Your mind, body and spirit are tested as your train and bring balance to your being. Buddha Warrior Thirty30 combines techniques form jump roping, kickboxing and power yoga. You will experience 30 minutes of a high-energy, fast-paced workout designed to build core strength, speed and agility followed by 30 minute set-sequence mindful yoga flow.